Increase in honey production with continued use of HiveAlive, France (12 month trial: 2014-2015)

Feeding HiveAlive resulted in
- Increased Honey/Pollen Production
- Increased Brood Production
- Increased Colony Population (similar results seen in trials carried out in Greece)

The amount of honey and pollen stored by hives was also monitored by counting the number of frames of stores per hive. At the end of the
trial, the HiveAlive group had 40% more stores than the control group.

The amount of brood on frames was measured in terms of area coverage (m2) of frames per hive. At the end of the trial period, the HiveAlive group had35% more brood than the control group.

The number of spaces between frames that was full of bees was noted as a method of assessing colony population. The HiveAlive group had more bees than the control group at the end of the trial period. Feeding HiveAlive resulted in a 20% increase in colony populationcompared to control.
The ability of colonies to draw out new wax comb was monitored for the first summer period after feeding began. Just 3 weeks after feeding, the HiveAlive group were drawing out 7% more comb than the control group.
Research topics
I am having great results with HiveAlive last winter and now this Spring. The results are dramatic, as my hives are growing like never before.
Mike Martel, Chelmsford, Massachusetts, USA
I used 5ml of HiveAlive per 500 ml of syrup, and then repeated for 7 days, I saw real progress so now I use HiveAlive when I suspect symptoms of a weak hive. My colonies are more productive, better nourished and stronger!
Honey Bee Vet, Northern Spain
The bees that were previously aggressive calmed down and became a pleasure to work with. The colonies were strong in the spring and for the first time in my seven years of beekeeping we have a wonderful honey crop.